Monday 21 December 2015

poem about nature

poem about nature 

Life The Way It Should Be

Tell me what do you see
Purple, green, and gold,
Mountain peaks that touch the sky
Little black birds flying by

Sun setting in the west
Flowers in the east,
Calm, relaxing breeze
And forests filled with trees

Tell me what do you see
The sky starts to fade as night approaches             
Animals will soon come out
The spring is ending without a doubt

Fall is coming near
Cold weather's on its way,
Flowers start to die 
Birds go south, bye bye.

Tell me what do you see
Happiness, love, and beauty,
Everyone is free
Life the way it should be

© Taylor Jordao

Make It Green

Lives are crying because it's not clean,
Earth is dying because it's not green...

Earth is our dear Mother, don't pollute it,
She gives us food and shelter, just salute it...

With Global Warming, it's in danger,
Let's save it by becoming a strong ranger...

With dying trees and animals, it's in sorrow,
Make green today and green tomorrow...

With melting snow, one day it will sink,
How can we save it, just think...

Trees are precious, preserve them,
Water is a treasure, reserve it...

Grow more trees, make Mother Earth green,
Reduce pollution and make her a Queen...

© Avani Desai (Nagarwadia)

Sunday 20 December 2015


Amazing facts about jellyfish

Did you know ...

1. Some jellyfish are bigger than human?
2. Some people in this world eat jellyfish?
3. Jellyfish have been in this Earth even before the dinasours?
4. Jellyfish does not have brain!
5. Jellyfish mainly made up of water and protein.
6. A group of jellyfish is called smack!

How long do jellyfish live?

Most jellyfish live less than one year, and some some of the smallest may live only a few days. Each species has a natural life cycle in which the jellyfish form is only part of the life cycle. The most familiar stage is the medusa stage, where the jelly usually swims around and has tentacles hanging down. Male and female medusa reproduce and form thousands of very small larvae called planulae. The larvae then settle on the bottom of the ocean on rocks and oyster shells and form a small polyp that looks just like a tiny sea anemone. Each polyp will bud off many baby jellyfish called ephyrae that grow very quickly into adult medusa. Some scientists believe that jellyfish have increased because coastal development helps provide more underwater habitat for jellyfish polyps to grow.

Why do some jellyfish sting?

Some jellyfish have millions of very small stinging cells in their tentacles called nematocysts. These cells are used to capture food by injecting toxin into the prey. When we are stung it hurts because the toxin goes through our skin.


What do they eat?

Jellyfish eat many different types of things, such as small plants (phytoplankton), copepods (crustacean zooplankton), fish eggs and other small fish called larvae; they also eat the planktonic eggs and young stages (also called larvae) of many different kinds of marine animals. Some jellyfish even eat other jellyfish! When jellyfish form blooms they eat almost everything in the water and this can cause problems for fisheries because there is no food left for the fish to eat!
jellyfish eat small fish

Friday 18 December 2015

Introduction to Biodiversity

Introduction to Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the variety of life.  It can be studied on many levels.  At the highest level, you can look at all the different species on the entire Earth.  On a much smaller scale, you can study biodiversity within a pond ecosystem or a neighborhood park. Identifying and understanding the relationships between all the life on Earth are some of the greatest challenges in science. 

Types of Biodiversity

a)Genetic diversity

b)Species diversity

c)Ecosystem diversity